Summary - Tubular Orthoses and Bandages used in orthopaedics/degenerative rheumatology/traumatology

Assessment report of the National Committee for the Evaluation of Medical Devices and Health Technologies (CNEDiMTS)
Health technology assessment - Posted on Oct 10 2012

To assess the therapeutic benefit of tubular orthoses and bandages for use in orthopaedics/traumatology/rheumatology, taking account of the therapeutic effect/undesirable effect ratio of these products, their place in therapeutic strategy and their public health benefit. Finally, this assessment aims to set out guidelines on their indications with a view to reimbursement, specifying procedures for their use and prescription if appropriate.

The working method included a Formal Consensus of Experts (Consensus Formalisé d’experts, CFE), a systematic review of the literature, the analysis of files submitted by manufacturers and the consultation of experts in two distinct groups of healthcare professionals (a steering group and a rating group, the latter allowing the formal consensus to be produced).

Manufacturers and paying agencies were consulted during the assessment.

The CNEDiMTS recommends to renew the reimbursement of tubular orthoses and bandages used in orthopaedics/rheumatology/traumatology and the current nomenclature. This amendment involves simplifying the product specifications and stating the procedures for prescription, dispensation and use. Information on individual types of tubular orthoses and bandages has been set out, with guidelines for use.

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