ACARIZAX (standardised allergen extract from the house dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae)

ALLERGY MEDICINE - New medicinal product
Opinions on drugs - Posted on Jun 15 2017

Reason for request


No clinical benefit demonstrated in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and asthma


  • ACARIZAX, administered orally, has a Marketing Authorisation in adults with persistent moderate to severe house dust mite allergic rhinitis despite use of symptom-relieving medication and/or house dust mite allergic asthma not well controlled by inhaled corticosteroids and associated with mild to severe house dust mite allergic rhinitis.
  • Treatment is based on a diagnosis including a clinical history and a positive test of house dust mite sensitisation (skin prick test and/or specific IgE).
  • No clinical benefit has been demonstrated compared with usual treatment of these patients. This is a second-line treatment for:

 -    persistent moderate to severe house dust mite allergic rhinitis despite use of symptom-relieving medication

 -    non-severe forms of house dust mite allergic asthma in adults, with an FEV1 ≥ 70% of predicted value, not well controlled despite moderate to significant doses of inhaled corticosteroids, and associated with mild to severe house dust mite allergic rhinitis.



Clinical Benefit



Clinical Added Value

no clinical added value


Therapeutic use


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