
The Committee is tasked to prepare Board decision-making in relation to:

  • the accreditation procedure of healthcare organisations;
  • the development of guidance, tools, methods and monitoring of the accreditation procedure;
  • the accreditation score of healthcare organisations;
  • the planning and collection of indicators, their use in accreditation, and actions to improve quality and safety of care.

The Committee coordinates its work and its schedule with those of the other HAS’ committees.


Full members

In addition to its chair appointed from among the members of the HAS Board, the Committee is composed of twenty (20) full members with voting rights appointed by the Board for a 3-year term, renewable twice.

The Committee members are appointed based on their skills and expertise, especially in the management of quality procedures and risk management. They may also be appointed based on their capacity as user of the healthcare system.

If a Committee member's seat becomes vacant, for any reason, another appointment is made under the same conditions and for the remainder of the term.

The Board appoints, from among the Committee members, four vice-chairs to assist the chair.

Invited individuals

The Committee may obtain the assistance of any competent person, including collaborators from outside HAS, whose participation is deemed necessary for its decisions or work.

Members of management, HAS departments and especially project managers who contributed to the prior assessment of topics subject to review by the Committee may also attend the Committee's meetings, as appropriate.

Moreover, any member of the HAS Board, as well as the Director, may attend the Committee's meetings.

Assessment process


Referral to the Committee is made by HAS.


The Committee is supported by the scientifc and technical departments and work entrusted to Committee members.

The specialised bodies are supported by visit reports by surveyors and on documents prepared by HAS’ departments, including accreditation pre-reports.

Board Deliberation

Proposed decisions, along with drafted accreditation reports adopted by the Committee, are presented to the Board for deliberation.

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