Reason for request

Renewal of inclusion

Insufficient clinical benefit to justify reimbursement in the management of delivery in the event of obstetrical emergency, due to its lack of role in the therapeutic strategy.

High clinical benefit for performing the METHERGIN test.


  • METHERGIN has been granted marketing authorisation:

         - in obstetrics, for the management of delivery in the event of obstetrical emergency (delivery and post-partum haemorrhage), following caesarian section, curettage and abortion by suction or curettage, uterine subinvolution or atony, or after the expulsion stage.

         - in cardiology, when performing the METHERGIN test.

  •  METHERGIN is no longer mentioned in the French guidelines for the treatment of delivery and post-partum haemorrhages due to insufficient clinical benefit.

  • Its clinical benefit remains high, however, in cardiology.



Clinical Benefit


