Polyarthrite rhumatoïde : prise en charge en phase d’état. Cette recommandation est suspendue.

Recommandation de bonne pratique - Mis en ligne le 27 mai 2009

To make an impact on the everyday treatment of patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and consequently to improve the course of this disease and reduce its complications and comorbidities, especially in cardiovascular terms; * To standardise and optimise the treatment of established rheumatoid arthritis; * To encourage practitioners to use quantitative monitoring methods and to promote close monitoring of patients with established rheumatoid arthritis.

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Service Presse
  • Mohamed Bouhadda - Chef du service presse
    Marina Malikité - Attachée de presse - 01 55 93 73 52
    Stéphanie Lecomte - Attachée de presse - 01 55 93 73 17
  • contact.presse[at]has-sante.fr

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