Diagnostic, Prognostic and Predictive Health Technologies Evaluation Committee (CEDiag)

Article HAS - Mis en ligne le 05 mars 2024


The  Diagnostic, Prognostic and Predictive Health Technologies Evaluation Committee (CEDiag - Commission d'évaluation des technologies de santé diagnostiques, prognostiques et prédictives) is composed of doctors, pharmacists, methodologists, and patients/users. 

The CEDiag assesses all diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive healthcare technologies, whether they be medical procedures (radiology or nuclear medicine examinations, medical biology examinations, anatomo-cytopathology examinations, etc.), diagnostic medicinal products (radiopharmaceutical, imaging contrast products, etc.), or medical devices (self-tests, etc.). 

The CEDiag is responsible for preparing the HAS Board's deliberations on: 

  • The evaluation of a medical diagnostic, prognostic, or predictive procedure with a view to its registration, modification of registration, or removal from the list of reimbursable procedures and services provided for under article L. 162-1-7 of the French Social Security Code.  
  • The supervision of health technologies (procedures, processes, techniques and methods, medical devices, medicinal products) with diagnostic, prognostic, or predictive aims requiring specific supervision for public health reasons or likely to lead to unjustified expenditure, in accordance with Article L. 1151-1 of the French Public Health Code. 

The CEDiag expertise may also be provided to other HAS Committees in the assessment of diagnostic, prognostic, or predictive technologies, through: 

  • The Transparency Committee (CT – Commission de la Transparence) for the evaluation of:
    • medicinal products requiring a companion test.
    • a radiopharmaceutical used in nuclear medicine.
    • a contrast agent used in radiology procedures.

The CEDiag may be asked by the HAS President to contribute its expertise to an inter-commission involving the CT and the CNEDiMTS in the event of an examination of a diagnostic health product falling within the scope of the inter-commission.


In addition to the Chair, the CEDiag is made up of twenty members, whose mandate runs from April 06, 2023 to April 06, 2026. The current chair of the CEDiag is Pr Anne-Claude Crémieux.

Associated Documents

Rules of procedure (French only) : Règlement intérieur de la Commission d’évaluation des technologies diagnostiques, pronostiques et prédictives (CEDiag)

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